AOE/COE INVESTIGATIONS

A thorough AOE/COE investigation is an essential factor in properly evaluating a workplace injury. We tailor our investigations to meet your needs, whether it is a full AOE/COE, the injured worker's statement only, or supervisor(s), co-worker(s) and witness statements. We obtain photos, diagrams, and other documentation of the accident site and circumstances, when applicable. All statements are recorded, and signed medical releases are obtained from the injured worker. During the investigation we will evaluate the potential involvement of subrogation, apportionment, negligence, and other factors.


Sub-rosa investigations are critical to evaluating the validity of a worker's compensation claim and vital for building a reliable defense. Videotape testimony provides valuable evidence to support or impeach a claimant's testimony. Enduro provides high-quality, results-focused investigative services, utilizing the most up-to-date techniques and technology available in our field. Our surveillance specialists are trained in the use of highly sensitive, state-of-the-art equipment, which allows for undetected (covert) surveillance, even inside public facilities. Providing clear, steady videotape is an essential aspect of the investigation and a priority for Enduro.


Activity checks are identified as a cost-effective, pre-surveillance technique utilized to better assist the investigator prior to performing surveillance. Investigators perform a neighborhood canvas in an attempt to determine the subject's day-to-day activities, verify the address to be current, obtain an identification of the subject, and develop activities and hobbies to better plan the surveillance investigation. During the course of the activity check, should the subject become active, the investigators are prepared to commence surveillance in an effort to obtain video evidence and document the subject's activities.


During our initial investigation, Enduro will ascertain whether 3rd-party liability exists. When a liable 3rd party is identified, information is collected on their business structure and liability carrier.


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